muscle mnemonics origin, insertion action

The muscles of the neck are categorized according to their position relative to the hyoid bone (Figure 11.4.7). These final muscles make up your calf. Commonly referred to as impingement syndrome. Each of these actions can be described in one of two ways. Supinator muscle:It is a small muscle that arises from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, the supinator crest of the ulna, as well as the annular and radial collateral ligaments that support the radius against the ulna. Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation whether youre a doctor, physiotherapist or yoga teacher, knowing the functions of a given muscle is very important. Brachialis muscle:This is the deep primary flexor of the elbow and arises from the lower part of the anterior surface of the humerus. Pronator quadratus muscle:In the deepest layer of the forearm is the pronator quadratus, which is found connecting the radius (insertion) and ulna (origin) at their distal points like a strap. The origin is typically the tissues' proximal attachment, the one closest to the torso. Why are the muscles of the face different from typical skeletal muscle? It acts to draw the scapula lateral, forward, downward, and stabilizes the scapula. Opponens pollicis acts to oppose the thumb with the other digits (rotation of the thumb to pulp of the other fingers and not just flex across the palm). Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Muscle Name or Group Origin Insertion Action. The brevis muscle arises from the lateral epicondyle and inserts onto the dorsal base of the 3rd metacarpal. S: supraspinatus I: infraspinatus T: teres minor S: subscapularis With 'SITS', recalling this order also helps remember the insertions of these muscles, with the order being superior, middle, and inferior facets of the greater tubercle of the humerus for supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor respectively and . The splenius muscles originate at the midline and run laterally and superiorly to their insertions. We will also discuss the clinical relevance of the upper limb. Thenar eminence:It consists of three muscle: flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis, and the opponens pollicis. The Tissue Level of Organization, Chapter 6. The posterior muscles of the neck are primarily concerned with head movements, like extension. Tongue muscles can be extrinsic or intrinsic. A FOSH may fracture the bone. Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle:This muscle arises from the lateral epicondyle and runs distally to insert onto the dorsal surface of the base of the 5th metacarpal and ulnar shaft. Copyright For example, the brachialis is a synergist of the biceps brachii during forearm flexion. Although the tongue is obviously important for tasting food, it is also necessary for mastication, deglutition (swallowing), and speech (Figure 11.4.5 and Figure 11.4.6). Take a free major muscles anatomy quiz to test your knowledge, or review our muscle song video. The acronym for the rotator cuff is S.I.T.S. 1 / 24. It also spreads the digits aparts during extension of the MP joints. The lower subscapular nerve innervates the muscle and it is a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Additionally, these muscles switch roles with opposite movements. Molly Smith DipCNM, mBANT The splenius group includes the splenius capitis and the splenius cervicis. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Action: Adducts thigh, Origin: iliac crest, anterior iliac surface Insertion: iliotibial band of fasciae latae Action: Flexes, abducts, and medially rotates thigh, Origin: Outer iliac blade, iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibial band of fasciae latae Action: Extends and laterally rotates thigh, braces knee, Origin: Outer iliac blade Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Abducts and medially rotates thigh, Origin: Pubis, ischium Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, adductor tubercle of distal femur Action: Adducts, flexes, extends and laterally rotates thigh, Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: Proximal, medial tibia Action: Flexes and laterally rotates thigh, flexes leg, Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine, margin of acetabulum Insertion: Tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon Action: Flexes thigh, extends leg, Origin: Greater trochanter of femur, linea aspera of femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon Action: Extends Leg, Origin: Linea aspera, medial side Insertion: Tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon Action: Extends Leg, Origin: Proximal, anterior femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon Action: Extends Leg, Origin: (long head) Ischial tuberosity, (short head) linea aspera In that manner of speaking, this article will explain all the anatomical aspects of the muscles of the scapula, arm, forearm and hand. The hand (manual region) is the terminal end and focus of the upper limb. Reading time: 3 minutes. The information we provide is grounded on academic literature and peer-reviewed research. For origins and insertions, I learned the exceptions in each compartment/the ones that stick out. Sample Decks: Muscles Actions, Origins, and Insertions of the Pelvic Complex and Hip (week 5), The Structure of The Knee Joint (week 6), The Foot and Ankle (week 6) Show Class. Insertion: Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus Action: Extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm (spirals underarm to front . The good news? The nerve supply to this muscle arises from the axillary nerve, a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Reviewer: The problem? It acts as an abductor of the shoulder, and inserts onto the superior facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus. At the end of this video, you will be able to: 20 chapters | This muscle divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangles when viewed from the side (Figure 11.4.8). This can present as pain, weakness and loss of shoulder movement between 60 and 120 degrees of abduction. Its supinating effect are maximal when the elbow is extended. Action: external rotator of the thigh Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 2 million users. Antagonist contractions are opposite that of the agonist and serve to control the action. There's a lot to learn about the anatomy of the upper limb muscles. It also causes contributes to flexion of the proximal IP, MP, and wrist joints, although these are its secondary function. insertion: mediar aspect of humerus, Origin posterior border of iliac crest Here's a mnemonic to help you remember the innervation of the lumbricals more easily! flashcard sets. The muscles of the anterior neck facilitate swallowing and speech, stabilize the hyoid bone and position the larynx. Winged scapula is caused by an injury to the long thoracic nerve. Muscles of the Upper Limb Pectoralis minor ORIGIN: anterior surface of ribs 3 - 5 ACTION INSERTION: coracoid process (scapula) Muscles Stabilizing Pectoral Girdle INNERVATION: pectoral nerves: protracts / depresses scapula (Anterior view) Serratus anterior ORIGIN: ribs 1 - 8 INSERTION: ACTION medial border of scapula stabilizes / depresses A rotator cuff tear presents with general pain with overhead activities and may present with night pain. There are numerous muscles in this compartment. This is where the rotator cuff muscles become inflamed and impinged as they pass through the subacromial space. In anatomical terminology, chewing is called mastication. It inserts on the distal phalangesof the 2nd to 5th digits and acts to flex the distal IP joints of the fingers. The triceps is the antagonist, and its action opposes that of the agonist. It is the chief medial rotator of the shoulder and modulates the movement of the deltoid. The muscle arises from costals (ribs) 1 - 8, sometimes terminating origins at costal 9. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on It functions as a stabilizer of the scapula, acts as a protractor when reaching forward or pushing, and aids in rotation of scapula. It is innervated by the C3 & C4 and the accessory nerve (cranial nerve 11 = CN11). All three heads unite and insert onto the olecranon process and fascia of the ulna. It is available for free. The nerve supply is from the long thoracic nerve, which arises from the C5, C6, and C7 nerve roots. Suprahyoid muscles are superior to it, and the infrahyoid muscles are located inferiorly. The muscles discussed below are essential to everyday life and advanced movements such as writing. The major muscle that laterally flexes and rotates the head is the sternocleidomastoid. Flexor pollicis longus muscle:This muscle is found superficially within the deep layer. Diaphragm *Note the distinction between internal and innermost intercostal. The short head arises from the coracoid process and both heads unite. L: lateral two lumbricals. The extrinsic muscles all include the word root glossus (glossus = tongue), and the muscle names are derived from where the muscle originates. The brachialis originates on the humerus, and it inserts on the front of the ulna. The muscles in the face create facial expression by inserting into the skin rather than onto bone. Insertion: Medial proximal condyle of tibia Action: Extends thigh, flexes leg, Origin: Lateral condyle and proximal tibia Insertion: First metatarsal and first cuneiform Action: Dorsiflexes and inverts foot, Origin: Condyles of femur Insertion: Calcaneus by calcaneal tendon Action: Flexes leg, plantar flexes foot, Origin:Posterior, proximal tibia and fibula Insertion: Calcaneus by calcaneal tendon Action: Plantar flexes foot, Origin: Head and shaft of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia Insertion: First metatarsal, first cuneiform Action: Plantar flexes and everts foot, Origin: Lateral COndyle of tibia, shaft of fibula Insertion: Middle of distal phalanges of second through fifth digits Action: Extends toes, dorsiflexes foot, Origin: Inferior border of a rib Insertion: Superior border of rib below Action: Elevates ribs (increases volume in thorax), Origin: Inferior border of a rib Insertion: Superior border of rib below Action: Depresses ribs (decreases volume in thorax), Origin: Posterior occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, C7-T12 Insertion: Clavicle, Acromion process, and spine of scapula Action: Extends and abducts head, rotates and adducts scapula, fixes scapula, Origin: Spines of T2-5 Insertion: Lower one-third of vertebral border of scapula Action: retraction of scapula, Origin: Ligamentum nuchae, Spines C7-T1 Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula at scapular spine Action: retraction of scapula, Origin: Galea aponeurotica Insertion: Skin superior to orbit Action: Raises eyebrows, draws scalp anteriorly, Origin: Fascia of facial muscles near mouth Insertion: Skin of lips Action: Closes lips, Origin: Frontal and maxilla on medial margin of orbit Insertion: Skin of eyelid Action: Closes eyelid, Origin: Zygomatic arch Insertion: Angle and ramus of mandible Action: Closes mandible, Origin: Temporal fossa Insertion: coronoid process and ramus of mandible Action: Closes mandible, Origin: Sternum, clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal Action: Abducts, rotates, and flexes head, Origin: Ribs 1-8 Insertion: Vertebral border and inferior angle of scapula Action: Abducts scapula (moves scapula away from spinal column), Origin: Bottom of rib cage, Crest of pubis, symphysis pubis Insertion: xiphoid process, Origin: Ribs 5-12 Insertion: Linea alba, iliac crest, pubis Action: Compresses abdominal wall, laterally rotates trunk, Origin: Inguinal ligament, iliac crest Insertion: Linea alba, ribs 10-12 Action: Compresses abdominal wall, laterally rotates trunk, Origin: the inner surface of the 7th to 12th costal cartilages, the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest horizontally, and the inguinal ligament Insertion: linea alba Action: support for the abdominal wall, directly on top of the sciatic nerve

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muscle mnemonics origin, insertion action